The 20 MSP is an Elite Member of The 20, a group of MSPs all sharing a single, true nationwide IT Support Desk for your business, owned by the members. IT Support for your business is consistent because we share the same Support Desk, on the same tool set and more.

The beauty of this model is that the ownership of the on-site teams remain local to you. Compared to other national MSP models, where branch managers are in charge of local/regional offices.

We provide our members a sales model that’s unique within the industry. It aligns with your IT and business goals. A true, smart and predictable IT offering that has been proven time and time again.

With over 180 locations nationwide, IT Support for your business is covered in almost every square inch of the United States. No matter where your offices are, you receive the same level of service in each location while receiving the personal touch that only a local MSP can provide.
