As a leading Managed Service Provider (MSP), we understand the importance of making informed decisions when it comes to outsourcing your IT support needs. Hiring an externally managed IT support team can offer numerous advantages, but it’s crucial to consider both the pros and cons. In this article, we will provide an objective perspective on the benefits and drawbacks of hiring an externally managed IT support team.

Pros of Hiring an Externally Managed IT Support Team:

  1. Expertise and Specialized Knowledge: When you engage an externally managed IT support team, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and specialized knowledge. MSPs are staffed with skilled professionals who have extensive experience in various IT domains, ranging from network infrastructure to cybersecurity. They keep abreast of the latest industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies, ensuring that your business benefits from cutting-edge solutions.
  2. Cost Savings: Cost-effectiveness is a significant advantage of outsourcing IT support. By engaging an external team, you avoid the expenses associated with hiring, training, and retaining an in-house IT department. MSPs offer flexible pricing models, allowing you to pay for services on an as-needed basis. This scalability ensures that you only pay for the specific support you require, optimizing your IT budget and reducing overall costs.
  3. Focus on Core Business Functions: Outsourcing IT support enables your organization to concentrate on core business functions without the distractions of IT management. By entrusting your IT operations to a competent external team, you can allocate internal resources and expertise toward strategic initiatives, growth opportunities, and customer satisfaction. This enhanced focus on core competencies can significantly improve overall business performance.

Cons of Hiring an Externally Managed IT Support Team:

  1. Dependency on External Providers: One of the main concerns with outsourcing IT support is the potential dependence on external providers. While MSPs offer reliable services, there may be instances where immediate assistance is required, and the external team may face challenges in responding promptly. It’s essential to establish clear communication channels and service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure a seamless and efficient support process.
  2. Loss of Internal Control: By outsourcing IT support, you relinquish some degree of control over your IT operations. This loss of control can be a disadvantage if your organization prefers to have hands-on management of all aspects of the IT infrastructure. However, effective communication and collaboration between your internal team and the external IT support team can mitigate this concern.
  3. Confidentiality and Security Risks: Entrusting your IT operations to an external team necessitates careful consideration of data confidentiality and security risks. It’s vital to evaluate the MSP’s security protocols, data protection measures, and compliance with relevant regulations. Implementing comprehensive service level agreements and conducting regular audits can help mitigate potential risks and ensure the protection of sensitive information.

Why Choose The 20 MSP for IT Support Services in Columbus

While there can be reasons some businesses in Columbus can be wary of hiring an IT support team, our experienced IT team addresses all of these concerns and presents numerous benefits, including access to expertise, cost savings, and increased focus on core business functions. By thoroughly assessing your organization’s needs, establishing strong communication channels, and selecting a reputable MSP, you can maximize the advantages while mitigating any potential challenges. To schedule a consultation with our team in Columbus, please contact us here or call us at (877) 957-1663. We proudly service clients in Columbus, Ohio, and the surrounding areas.